Reisen til Nord Norge
Další název/názvy: A journey to North Norway
Žánr: Documentary film / Information film
Rok: 1933
Minutáž: 00:39:47
Popis: A film about the northern regions of Norway, sponsored by the Norwegian Co-operative Union and Wholesale Society. The film crew visits all the cooperatives along the way, from the main warehouse in Trondheim, to Målselv in Troms. We see daily life and commerce, mountains and fjords, farming and mining. At the Ankerske marble quarries the stone is cut by hand. In Bodø we see herring fisheries. The film crew travels both by land and by sea, and we get to experience the beauty of the midnight sun over the northern fjords. (from MIDAS).
Poskytovatel: Nasjonalbiblioteket
Práva: In Copyright / Norges Kooperative Landsforening
Produkční společnost: Framfilm
Barva: Colour
Director: Berge, Hans
Sound: Without sound
Typ dokumentu:
Sbírka: Fiction/non-fiction from the silent film collection
Původní formát: Video/mpeg
Language: no